Organizing committee

Giovanni Kasslatter Race Director
Roman Niederkofler Assistant Chief of Race
Christoph Vinatzer President
Günther Pitscheider Director
Patrick Kelder Event management
Julia Senoner Enrollments, start and results lists
Patrick Stuflesser Technical coordination and digital/web
Katrin Perathoner Responsible for prize-giving ceremony
Beatrix Insam Responsible for starting area
Christina Demetz Press & communication
Diego Moroder Graphic Design Manager
Anna Runggaldier Social Media Manager


Tourist Office Selva Val Gardena
Str. Mëisules, 213
I-39048 Selva Val Gardena (BZ)
Tel.: +39 0471 777900

Tecnical comitee

Chief of race Giovanni Kasslatter
Chiefs of ski-run Thaddäus Moroder, Roman Niederkofler
Course setters Karl Mussner, Raimund Plancker
Ski-run preparation Armin Runggaldier (Seceda AG), Andreas Schenk (Coldereiser GmbH)
Speaker Claudio De Biasio, Ellis Kasslatter, Katrin Perathoner
Rescue service Centro Carabinieri Addestramento Alpino Selva Val Gardena, Compagnia Carabinieri di Ortisei, Aiut Alpin Dolomites, Soccorso Alpino Val Gardena, Croce Bianca Val Gardena
Order service Compagnia Carabinieri di Ortisei, Vigili Urbani Selva Val Gardena e S. Cristina, Vigili del fuoco S. Cristina
Timekeeping FICR Federazione Italiana Cronometristi


Committee of honour

President of the Provincial Council and patronage of the event Arno Kompatscher
Provincial Councillor for Mobility, School and Ladin Culture Daniel Alfreider
Mayor of Selva Val Gardena Roland Demetz
Mayor of S. Cristina Christoph Senoner
Mayor of Ortisei Tobia Moroder
Commander of the Centro Carabinieri Addestramento Alpino Col. Bianchi Nicola
Commander of the Compagnia Carabinieri di Ortisei Magg. Marco Lanzi
President Sci Club Gardena Lidia Bernardi
President Tourist Association Selva Val Gardena Christoph Vinatzer
President Tourist Association S. Cristina Lukas Demetz
President Tourist Association Ortisei Ambros Hofer
President Dolomiti Superski Andy Varallo
President Cableway Consortium Val Gardena Andreas Schenk
Director Dolomiti Superski Thomas Mussner
Cableways Seceda Armin Runggaldier
Cableways Col Raiser Gabriel Schenk
Inventor Rudolf Mussner

Many thanks to:

Technical Committee, Municipality of Selva Val Gardena, Municipality of S. Cristina, Municipality of Ortisei, Municipality of Castelrotto, Tourist Offices of Val Gardena, Ski Club Gardena Raiffeisen, Ski School Selva, Ski School S. Cristina, Ski School Ortisei, Association of Cableways Val Gardena, Saslong Classic Club Gardena, Carabinieri Sport Center Selva Gardena, Fire Brigade volunteers S. Cristina, H.C. Gherdëina, F.C. Gherdeina, F.C. Cuca, Broomball Club Gardena, Saltos Mountain Xtreme, Selva Musical Band, Traditional  Costume Association of Selva, Traditional Costume Association of S. Cristina, Swimming Club Val Gardena, HGV, Lia dla Paures Gherdëina

Aiut Alpin Dolomites

Become a member and you be insured!

Supporting members of Aiut Alpin Dolomites are those individuals or families / cohabitants (if recorded on the membership card), which support and promote through their contribution deposit at Aiut Alpin Dolomites the activities of the voluntary mountain rescue.

The payment of the membership fee is:

  • for individuals Euro 40,00
  • for families / cohabitants Euro 60,00

The member is entitled to a free first aid intervention including ticket reimbursement and possible repatriation; repatriation means only to and within Italy.
The insurance will be valid in following countries (PDF).

Please check the details before subscribing.

The duration is for one year, starting from January 1. and ending December 31.
The membership card or bank transfer is valid as a confirmation document.


Many thanks to the Sponsors of Südtirol Gardenissima for their support.